Thursday Poll: Interested in a SmartWatch?

Smartwatches seem to be all the rage these days. From indie Kickstarter funded projects like Pebble to big dogs like Sony and Motorola, everyone is taking their stab at second displays that attach to your wrist. As if the giant 5.5" screened-smartphones weren'...

Pebble E-paper Smartwatch Review

After using the Pebble E-paper Smartwatch for five days, I'd say I've spent enough time with it to give you all my final impressions. And when I say that I've used it for five days, I'm not kidding. This sucker has been attached to my wrist from the time I...

Pebble E-paper Smartwatch First Look and Hands-on

  As an early backer of the Pebble E-paper Smartwatch on Kickstarter, it looks like I was lucky enough to receive one from the first batches that were created. Yep, mine arrived late last night, though I am just now having a chance to play with it. As you...