Android 13

Android 13 QPR1 Beta 2 is Here for Pixel Phones

Hey, we have a new Android 13 beta build to play with today! As a part of the Android 13 QPR1 program, beta 2 is here for those with a supported Pixel phone. A little treat before we get to see the Pixel 7. This new Android 13 QPR1 Beta 2 build is available...
Android 13

How’s Android 13 Running on Your Pixel Phone?

The stable Android 13 update has been out since the beginning of the week and that means a couple of days for you to run it and establish first impressions. I'm curious what those are, as the update is somewhat minor in new features, but huge in terms of bug...
Android 13

Android 13 Beta 4.1 Released for Pixel Phones

Google has released a fresh beta build for Android 13 users today, labeled as Beta 4.1. Inside, you'll find a few bug fixes, most of which appear to deal with connectivity issues (Bluetooth, Meet, GPS, etc.) From the looks of it, it's nothing too major, but I...