16GB Nexus 7 Shipping Estimate Now at 3-4 Weeks

Hopefully you placed your order for a 16GB Nexus 7 order already, as the shipping estimate is now showing as "3-4 weeks" instead of the "1-2 weeks" time frame for the 8GB model. This is just a guess, but I'd say that customers are realizing before purchasing...

Instagram Updated in Google Play, Adds Nexus 7 Support

Your favorite hipster filter application has been updated today to allow for Nexus 7 support. Although the Nexus 7 does not have a back-facing camera, users like myself still like to peruse the galleries and stalk our friend's activities. Along with the added...

This Nexus 7 Unboxing Video Montage is Hilarious

As someone that unboxes mobile devices for a living, I have to admit that this video montage of other writers having difficulty unboxing the new Nexus 7 is hilarious. As you'll soon know when your pre-order from Google arrives, this thing is packaged up...