This Icon Pack is Hot: Glim

It's a new year full of new phones, which means you need new hotness in your life. Trust me on this. To piggy back on the Nova Launcher Prime sale going on, I want to introduce you to Glim. I saw a few comments on the Nova sale post asking which icon pack I...
material cards icons

This Icon Pack is Hot: Material Cards

In our last episode of "This icon pack is hot," I made an off-handed comment about the world not needing anymore Material Design inspired icon packs. For the most part, I still stand by that comment, because seriously, there are so many icon packs that are...
immaterialis icons

This Icon Pack is Hot: IMMATERIALIS

Now this is a cool icon pack that is completely different from anything we have featured in recent memory. It's called IMMATERIALIS and it's brought to us by sikebo, the designer of Materialistic, another of our favorite icon packs. With IMMATERIALIS (last...
android home screens

Show Off Your Home Screens Day!

Over the weekend, shortly after posting up the latest in "hot" icon packs, I started looking for the last time we did a "Show off your home screens day!" As it turns out, it's been well over a year, which is kind of shocking. It's not like we stopped...
artico icons

This Icon Pack is Hot: Artico

You need a fresh icon pack to take you into the weekend, I knew it. So here is one! Artico icons, recently released to Google Play, are a playful concept on Material Design-styled icons that are indeed hot.  In this pack, which features heavy amounts of tinted...

This Icon Pack is Hot: Fresh by Stealthychief

Calling all folks in need of color. While browsing Google Play, I came across an icon pack from Stealthychief, a well known designer in the Android community. The pack is called Fresh, and honestly, it's a darn good descriptor for what this pack offers to...
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