10 Most Important Android Phones to Date

We're in a reminiscing mood and on a recent podcast, we brought up the Galaxy Nexus for some odd reason. While speaking about the phone, I mentioned it would be a top 10 Android phone of all time, which then lead me to think what other phones might be on such...

AT&T’s LG G2 is Getting Lollipop Today Too

What's that, T-Mobile LG G2, thought you were special? Silly. AT&T's LG G2 is joining you today in the parade of Android 5.0 Lollipop. According to AT&T, the update will begin rolling out today as build D80020y and is around 721MB in size. To check for...

T-Mobile LG G2 Gets Lollipop Update Today

T-Mobile, at least according to its support site, is ready to push Lollipop to the LG G2 starting today. The update will actually begin rolling out today an finish around May 22, so if you don't see it right this minute, keep checking over the next couple of...

LG G2 on Verizon Receives Update to VS98027A

The LG G2 on Verizon is receiving an update today to software version VS98027A. The update, as far as we can tell, is nothing but a bug fixer. Verizon uploaded new support documents that include this new software version, but the changelog appears to be...
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