Rumor: DROID 2 Hitting Stores on August 23rd?

Now that the Droid X has been announced and will launch on July 15th, it's time to start up the Droid 2 release date wagon.  We've been under the impression for quite some time now that it will drop in August, but a specific date had yet to be pinpointed.  ...

Exclusive: New Droid 2 and Droid X Live Wallpaper

Check out another exclusive we just received of the Motorola Droid 2 and its new live wallpaper. I have to admit that part of me is leaning toward this actually being the live wallpaper you'll see with the Droid X as this is the same Droid 2 which we got the...

Droid 2 Device Caught in the Wild Again

Hey look, the Droid 2 again! It sounds like one of Gizmodo's readers experienced a little hands-on time with the Motorola Droid 2 recently and came away with the same impressions and stats as we did. (Check out our exclusive photos here.) -Same look and feel...

DROID Red Eyes, A Different One for Each Device

If you look closely at the picture we grabbed from the new Droid X site from Verizon, you'll notice that the red Droid eyes on each device are completely unique in design.  This was obviously done intentionally and I'm surprised that no one has pointed it out...