Battle the DROID SnowBot in a Snowball Fight!

I'm not sure what it is about the Droid SnowBot, but I love this thing.  And now, it's even more awesome, since you can battle it out with him in a snowball fight over at Verizon's Facebook page.  The game is sort of simple and cheesy, but if you have a webcam...

OnStar “Show Off” Commercial Also Stars DROID X

We've already featured a couple of Droid X appearances in OnStar commercials and print ads, but somehow missed this one.  The commercial is called "Show Off" and features a guy using his DX and OnStar app to remotely check out his car before giving it up to...

DROID Pro Commercial Channels Pussycat Dolls

What better way to sell Motorola's newest global phone to Blackberry users than by tweaking a 2004 pop song by the Pussycat Dolls?  Not seeing how that would work?  I'll have to admit that I'm with you, but at least it's some sort of promotion.  Other than a...

DROID Pro Replaces DROID X in SnowBot Commercial

The first SnowBot commercial we saw featured both the Droid 2 and Droid X, but after the announcement of the Droid Pro, we're now seeing an updated spot which includes the new global Blackberry killer.  As a former Blackberry owner, I can't wait to get my...

Original DROID Makes Big Appearance on Castle

Maybe we should start up a "DROID Appearances" category on this site since we love covering them so much.  In the latest sighting, the original Droid gets some major face time on another episode of Castle.  In the show, a boy is kidnapped and an OG is left in...