Apple Music Promo, Verizon

Apple Music Gets All-New Design on Android

Apple Music, an app we haven't written up in almost a year, received a big update today on Android! Typically, I would follow up that initial statement with jokes about Apple products being featured here on an Android site and how no one uses it and all that...

Smartwatches, Not Exactly Selling Well These Days

IDC released their latest smartwatch market info this morning and it certainly appears to paint a bleak picture for the smartwatch industry. From Q3 of last year to Q3 of this year, shipments of watches dropped 51.6%. That's, um, a big drop. Their numbers show...
apple iphone 7 bokeh

Apple’s iPhone 7 Event Live Chat! ???

The iPhone 6ss is coming today. Well, some antenna lines appear to have moved, according to leaks on leaks, so we can probably call it the iPhone 7. Yeah, that thing is coming today. Because that sort of moment is going down and we find deep pleasure in...