Hey Look, a Nexus 5 With a Fingerprint Sensor!

At last week's Google I/O, Google made a big push in the world of fingerprint scanning for authentication purposes by introduces a fingerprint API in Android M. Going forward, manufacturers who choose to include fingerprint sensors in their phones will no...

Download: Here’s the Android M Default Wallpaper

For everyone here who needs the latest wallpaper from Google, which comes grouped in the Android M Developer Preview, here you go. As you can see, it is in the same style as many of the wallpapers that came along with Lollipop. They are satellite photos that ...

Android M Developer Preview Tour!

We have now been running the Android M developer preview on a Nexus 6 and Nexus 5 for the better part of the last couple of hours and are now ready to share some of our findings. While there aren't a lot of big, forward-facing UI changes, there are all sorts...

This is the Android M Easter Egg ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Haha, Google, so silly. Yes, my friends, that really is your Android M Easter Egg - for the moment.  Edit:  For those who are finding the "M" hidden as well, we are well aware of it. Tap on it a few times, then long press and you'll get the shruggy face. ¯\_(ツ...