YouTube Music

YouTube Music Gets Podcasts

Google announced today that YouTube Music is now, officially, offering podcasts. Placed inside YouTube Music is a dedicated section for podcasts now, designed to be paired nicely with the existing podcast video experience on YouTube. When you enter the podcast...
YouTube Music

YouTube Music Adds Real-Time Lyrics

Lyrics within a music app are the type of feature that you may not use every time you turn on a new tune, but as you listen enough or laugh at the lyrics your friend just shouted (that were clearly wrong), they can come in handy to prove your lyrical clout....
YouTube Music

YouTube Music Shares Your Winter Recap Vibes

YouTube Music apparently does some sort of seasonal recap to tell you how you spent your past several months. From fall to winter, they've released at least two it seems, with Winter 2023 being the most recent. For those who use Google's music streaming...
YouTube Music

Podcasts Coming to YouTube Music

This week at the Hot Pod Summit, the podcasting head of YouTube, Kai Chuk, announced podcasts are officially coming to YouTube Music in the near future. While not yet available and no official date provided, Chuk did give a few insights into what we can expect...

YouTube Music’s 2021 Recap is Ready for You

Spotify has its Unwrapped each year for users, so of course, YouTube Music wants its users to have something fun, too. With that said, the YouTube Music 2021 Recap has arrived, turning your music listening stats into a fun and shareable experience. Just like...