An Interview with the Mobile Panda, @black_man_x

Droid Life is a site that was built on a passion for Android, especially its incarnation in the OG DROID. Back when I was still sporting the OG I remember coming across The Mobile Panda. Between blog posts and trolling podcasts, @black_man_x, as he's known on...

Be a Fanboy of Good Technology [Opinion]

[audio:|titles=Be-a-Fanboy-of-Good-Technology] To say that I love technology would be a bit of an understatement. These are all of the smartphones that I have owned or...

Is the End Near for Android? [Opinion]

Lately Business Insider (BI) has been announcing the imminent death of Android based on iPhone and iPad sales, reported disinterest in the platform by developers, and upset manufacturers. According to a handful of their writers, Android is poised to lose...

Android is Google’s Future [Opinion]

While most of us hate the litany of lawsuits that have become commonplace in the tech industry, one positive result has been revelations from emails, recorded transcripts, and testimonies that would have undoubtedly remained under wraps. Without the Skyhook...

Hardware Design Matters [Opinion]

Since the iPhone, many manufacturers have tried to mimic Apple's design by releasing black slab after black slab. Some phones in particular, like the HTC Droid Incredible, were more similar to Apple's design than others. Most manufacturers have made little to...