Prepared to be blown away. Well, sort of blown away. Google unveiled “Project Glass” a few minutes ago, which is a project from the Google[x] team that aims to make your daily life completely hands free. Rather than using your phone to take pictures, video chat, check into restaurants, listen to music, and get directions, you could have a pair of glasses that do it all right in front of your eyes. Received a notification on your phone? What if it popped up on screen in your glasses and then let you respond view voice-to-text? Or what if you could snap a picture of a beautiful sunset and share it with Google+, all without ever pulling out your phone? Sounds amazing, right? Just wait until you watch the video and start thinking about the possibilities.
The Google[x] wants you to understand that they are in the early stages of this project right now and that the pictures of the headset up top and the video below is what these glasses “could” look and act like at some point. They want your feedback though. And so do we – be sure to vote in our poll!
Via: Google+
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