Pokemon Sleep Adds Its Most Important Feature to Date: Smartwatch Compatibility

Pokemon Sleep App

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Pokemon Sleep launched a little over a year ago on Android and iOS and has already become a major hit. The sleep-focused Pokemon game has over 5 million downloads on Google Play alone and a stellar rating. For Pokemon fans, it’s one of those apps you kind of have to get into because it’ll keep your Poke-addiction fulfilled.

If there was a reason for you not to give Pokemon Sleep a try, a big announcement today might bring you back. I know it’s going to bring me back, as I found the actual sleep tracking part of the experience (which is the biggest piece) to be a bit of a nuisance. You used to have to set your phone next to you and manually tell the app you were sleeping or you’d have to track with a Pokemon Go Plus+ on your bed. Those two options never worked for me. That’s all changing if you wear a smartwatch to bed.

Pokemon Sleep now works with smartwatches to sync sleep automatically. This new smartwatch tracking works with the Pixel Watch series, Samsung’s Galaxy Watch models, and the Apple Watch. Fitbit devices will also work.

According to a press release, the Galaxy Watch and Pixel Watch syncing works through Android’s Health Connect app. I went looking this morning in there and sure enough, the Pokemon Sleep app is now in there as an option to access your Health Connect data. So if you track sleep using your Pixel Watch or Galaxy Watch and gave Health Connect access to your sleep info, Pokemon Sleep can grab it and pull it into the app.

I can’t wait to finally get into Pokemon Sleep and see how this work. It really sure make the process of tracking sleep and then dealing with Pokemon Sleep all day so much easier.

Spotify bonus: In a bit of bonus news, Pokemon also announced that two new Spotify playlists based off of Pokemon Sleep are here for your enjoyment. You can find them here and here.

Google Play Link: Pokemon Sleep

// Pokemon



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