Google Play App Icons are Getting Updated for a More “Consistent Look”

new google play icons

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Announced today, Google is updating specific app icons to bring a more “consistent look” for the Play platform, with the Google Play button getting centerstage. As shown off on the Android blog, we should expect to see changes for Play Store, Play Movies, Play Music, Play Games, Play Books, and Play Newsstand. 

To be clear, these changes will only affect the major Google apps that are associated with Google Play. That means we won’t see a new icon for Google Voice, Hangouts, Google+, Google Calendar, Gmail, or anything like that. These changes are for the apps specifically associated with the branches of Google Play.

For a little bit of a comparison, the old look for the majority of the changing icons are shown in the image below, while the incoming icons are shown in the header image above. Google states that the new icons will come within the next few days, and rollout will continue over the next few weeks.

Take a look at the new icons, then share your first impressions below. As for me, I like them quite a bit.

google play icons

Via: Android



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