20 Customer Responses to Verizon’s New $20 Upgrade Fee

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You’ve heard the news. On Monday, April 4, Verizon is planning to tack on another probably-non-necessary $20 fee because it’s expensive when people give them money. I almost can’t type that with a straight face, but I don’t know any other way to put it.

What am I referring to? The new $20 upgrade fee that Verizon will charge customers who buy phones on a monthly payment plan, through Apple’s iPhone Upgrade Program, or at full retail, without any sort of agreement. In other words, if your phone costs $650, you’ll pay $670 for it. Jesus. I seriously can’t type this stuff without spitting up.

I’m going to stop now and instead direct your attention to our readers reactions to ideas like this, many of which are Verizon customers. In just the short amount of time since the news broke, this is what 20 of the best, immediate responses were to Verizon’s $20. 

Because paying to pay is a thing.

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Verizon may have been wearing white Vans today.

Charging extra fees to customers without a contract, probably good for the customer retention numbers. /s

SIM swapping is expensive, guys.

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Shhhhh, don’t tell them their prices are “cheaper.”

It’s OK, Verizon, I’m sure your sales staff needed a lighter load.

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Some support the change…wait.

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Some just liked the presentation.

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Final straw?

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Or maybe Lowell just needed a new aquatic toy.

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