We Have an LG G3 in House, It’s Q&A Time!

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The new G3 from LG is in the house, meaning you can expect to see a whole lot of stories here at DL on this device. As we are working up to a full review, we would love to help answer any questions you might have about the G3. Is the QHD worth it? How’s the camera and laser auto focus?

Those, plus many other questions will be answered as soon as we have spent a bit of time with the device. In the mean time, is there anything you are dying to know? We currently have a Korean model, running on AT&T’s LTE network, but we are more than happy to answer anything you need to know. 

We have already done a hands-on video, plus a couple of comparison videos, so be sure to check those posts out.

Drop any questions about the G3 below in the comments section. We will be answering them promptly.


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