Get Inspired to Create a Moto X Using “Moto Match” on Facebook

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Moto Match

If you are like me at all, you might be having trouble customizing your very own Moto X on MotoMaker. The issue is that once you select your colors, you have to be certain that you are happy with your color selections. If you are bad with commitment, then you will feel my pain. No worries, though – Moto Match to the rescue! 

With Moto Match, an application built for Facebook users, you can select one of your favorite pictures from your albums, and MotoMaker will personally handpick colors that compliment that picture. If you select a photo with lots of green, you can expect a green phone. If you select a photo of a sunset, you can look forward to a gorgeous Moto X highlighted with yellows and oranges. The service is a pretty great idea, and even though there is no pink in the photo I selected, the phone it made for me is super sexy.

If you didn’t already guess, you will need a Facebook account to use the web-based application. Go check it out by following the via link below.

Via: Facebook



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