All Nest Cams Now Eligible for Google Home Transfer in Public Preview

Google Pixel Tablet - Nest CamGoogle Pixel Tablet - Nest Cam

Google announced this week that it has opened eligibility in Public Preview for all Nest cameras dating back to 2015 to be transferred over to Google Home. This means that your eligible camera will be controlled via the Google Home app instead of the Nest app, and in some cases, you’ll be able to play with new features.

The newly eligible devices include the Nest Cam IQ Outdoor and Indoor models, as well as Nest Hub Max. Once added, users can add the device video streams to their Favorites tab, as well as view feeds and change settings all from the same app. It’s not a bad move by Google at all.

With all of that being said, Google does note the following:

A small number of camera and doorbell features that are currently in the Nest app, such as Supersight close-up tracking view on Nest Cam IQ Indoor and Outdoor, are not available in the Google Home app Public Preview. We’ll continue to prioritize ways to bring the best of the Nest app camera experience to the Home app.

For detailed steps on transferring devices, Google has a guide here.

// Google