World of Warcraft Comes to Waze, Which is Just Plain Fun

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The original Warcraft games have a special place in my heart. My older brother owned them and I would sometimes sneak onto his computer to play as the horde. I just thought the trolls throwing axes were so badass. Anyway, an all new World of Warcraft experience is coming to Waze, complete with Warchief Thrall, the Red Drake, and the Alliance.

When enabled, commuters will have Thrall take over command of the drive, saying things like, “a clever strategy to fool any pursuers on our tail,” when telling you to make a u-turn. Oh yes, this is going to be fun.

You can choose between the Horde with Thrall or a unnamed knight for the Alliance. You can also use the Red Drake as your vehicle in Waze.

This Warcraft experience is available starting now.

Google Play Link

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