Chrome Lets You Easily Unsubscribe From Annoying Website Notifications

Chrome Notification Unsubscribe

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The push to get you to subscribe to notifications from websites has slowed in recent years, but that doesn’t mean certain websites aren’t still trying to force them onto your web experience or that you may have accidentally clicked “Allow” and need a way to unsubscribe. Today, Google announced that getting rid of those unwanted notifications will soon be easier than ever on Chrome for Android.

There’s a couple of other neat new Chrome features on the way too.

CHROME NOTIFICATION UNSUBSCRIBE: Pixel devices (apparently) already allow for you to click “Unsubscribe” when Chrome website notifications arrive in your notification center (see above). This should be a button within the notification that simply says “Unsubscribe” and will remove those unwanted notifications going forward. I can’t say that I’ve encountered this button, but I also refuse to let any website send me these awful things.

Since not all of you own Pixel devices, Google wants you to know that “coming soon” it will push this feature to more Android devices. That’s all the details they would provide, but it’s wonderful news as we all do our best to tell website owners that, no, we don’t want notifications from your site.

TWO OTHER CHROME FEATURES: That’s not all for Chrome news today, though. Google announced that its improved Safety Check will now run automatically in the background and will be more proactive in letting you know about actions it takes, like revoking permissions from sites you haven’t visited in a long time. It can also flag unwanted notifications or let you know of security issues needing to be addressed.

The final bit of news involves website permissions. Chrome on Android and desktop will now allow you to grant one-time permissions for websites. That could mean letting a website access your camera or mic for a single use, before leaving the site and allowing Chrome to revoke the permission. Absolutely wonderful piece of news there.

Let us know if you see Chrome’s new stuff.

// Google



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