Report: Samsung to Cut Large Chunk of Workforce, Production Staff Not Affected

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There are reports this morning that Samsung is aiming to cut up to 30% of its workers in select overseas divisions. Workers in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Africa are expected to be affected, with the cuts aimed to be completed by the end of the year.

Samsung in a statement says that these workforce adjustments are routine and aimed at improving efficiency. Furthermore, there’s said to be no specific targets for the cuts and they will not impact its production staff. For those curious, it appears no workforce cuts are expected in Samsung’s home of South Korea, as that is seen as a “politically sensitive issue.”

Global demand for tech products is reported to still be down, so these moves are sadly to be expected as companies look to prepare for tough times.

According to Samsung’s own figures, the company employed a total of 267,800 people as of the end of 2023, with more than half of those located overseas.

// Reuters

This post was last modified on September 11, 2024 9:45 am