Marvel SNAP’s ‘The Amazing Spider-Season’ Now Live

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When it comes to mobile games, not many have had the ability to hook me as hard as Marvel SNAP has. Thanks to an ever changing meta game, plus plenty of cosmetics that I enjoy collecting via simply playing and not having to pay for them, it’s been an enjoyable mobile gaming experience. Right on schedule, another new season has been released, complete with new cards, plus an entirely new ability.

Marvel SNAP is introducing the new Activate ability, which differs from the existing On Reveal ability. With Activate, you cannot activate the ability until the card is fully played and resolved. On the following turn, players can press and hold the card until the “Activated!” message appears. To deactivate the ability, press and hold the card again until it’s deactivated or click the energy icon and select the “Undo All Actions” button. The developers say that this ability brings a fun and new dynamic to gameplay.

On top of Activate, which the new Symbiote Spider-Man card uses (the new Season Pass card), Marvel Snap is getting a few new characters including Madame Web, Silver Sable, Araña, and Scarlet Spider. As you can see, we’re getting deep into the Spider-Man goodness this season.

New Cards

  • Symbiote Spider-Man – Activate: Merge your lowest-Cost card here with this. Copy its text like it just revealed.
  • Silver Sable – On Reveal: Steal 2 Power from the top card of your opponent’s deck.
  • Madame Web – Ongoing: You can move one of your other cards away from here each turn.
  • Araña – Activate: Give the next card you play +2 Power and move it to the right.
  • Scarlet Spider – Activate: Add an exact clone of this to another location.

Have fun, Snappers.

Google Play Link

// Marvel SNAP



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