Gemini Live: What are Your Thoughts so Far?

Gemini Advanced - Gemini Live

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Gemini Live, the latest feature for Gemini that allows you to have a real back and forth conversation with AI, has been usable by Advanced subscribers for the last few days. Now we need to know, how are you liking it?

I am not an Advanced subscriber myself, but I plan to get back on it this week and do some testing. I think I’ll discuss the universe with Gemini first. I would love to have Gemini explain more complex things to me as if I was a child. Sometimes that’s what I need. With that said, what I would discuss with AI makes me wonder what all of you are using Gemini for.

Are you having Gemini solve your problems? Tell you jokes? Help you with an upcoming job interview? To put it simply, what is Gemini being used for?

And since you have so much Gemini experience, let’s hear the feedback in the comments below. Is Gemini awesome now? Do I need to shut up and subscribe to Gemini Advanced immediately or what?



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