TBT: Remember Sharp Aquos Crystal? There’s a New One

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In 2014, Sharp was producing devices that featured hardly any bezel, which at the time, was quite breathtaking in a world of Android phones that had plenty of thicc bezel. Yes, Aquos Crystal made up for a lack of bezel by having the fattest chin you’ve ever seen on a phone, but that actually lended to a better in-hand feel.

This was back in 2014, with the phone featuring a price of just $149. Times have certainly changed. However, Sharp is still producing this range of smartphone, and wouldn’t you believe, they ditched the chin.

Sharp Aquos R9

Announced just this week for the Japanese market, where Sharp is still going strong, the Aquos R9 features a design that reminds us a lot of the Essential Phone (RIP). Specs include a 6.5-inch OLED display (1-240Hz variable refresh rate), Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3 processor, 12GB RAM, IPX5 rating, 5,000mAh battery, and Android 14. Sharp even partnered with Leica for the phone’s rear cameras.

The device will go on sale this summer for an unknown price, but Sharp doesn’t intend to release it in the US.

The R9 is a hot looking smartphone with a rich history. We hope that one day, maybe Sharp can bring Aquos back to the US. We’d love another option over here.

// Sharp



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