Samsung Details Gauss, Its Own Generative AI Model

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Samsung, never one to shy away from proving that it can create something as good as anyone else, with exception to a smart home speaker, announced Gauss this week. Gauss is the company’s own generative AI model, consisting of Gauss Language, Gauss Image, and Gauss Code.

If you’re a major tech company, you aren’t living right now if you aren’t tapping into the buzz around artificial intelligence. Much like we saw when Apple made Siri and Microsoft did Cortana, Samsung is bringing the Bixby vibes with Gauss, expected to be incorporated into plenty of Samsung services as we move into the future. According to Samsung’s large press release that details the AI models, Gauss is named after the Prince of Mathematicians, Carl Friedrich Gauss. CFG is known for many things, but one of his accomplishments was the establishment of the normal (or Gaussian) distribution theory, regarded to as the “backbone of machine learning and AI.”

Samsung also explained its “ultimate vision” for the models, that being to draw from all the phenomena and knowledge in the world in order to harness the power of AI to improve the lives of consumers everywhere. It’s a lofty goal indeed, but for right now, Gauss is being used for tasks like speeding up Samsung coder work, generating images, turning low resolution images into high resolution, as well as composing emails, summarizing documents, and translating content. It’s essentially doing the same work as other existing AI models that we’ve been hearing about all year long.

For us here at Droid Life, all we care about is when we’ll see it inside of a Galaxy smartphone. Given the timing of this announcement, it only seems fitting that we could see the first Gauss-powered features arrive on the Galaxy S24 lineup, but Samsung’s announcement doesn’t provide any concrete evidence to suggest this. Samsung says, “Gauss is currently used on employee productivity but will be expanded to a variety of Samsung product applications to provide new user experience in the near future.”

Near future could mean Galaxy S24, we suppose. Instead of being disappointed, though, we won’t set expectations. When it comes to generative AI, the companies in charge of making and distributing these services have been relatively restrictive in terms of what we the consumers can create. Unless you’re paying for an art generator yourself, there’s not as much freedom as you might first imagine here. Even Google’s AI Wallpapers is limited to predetermined prompts, clearly building new images based on a small group of existing elements. There’s a ways to go still, but we’re moving in the right direction.

Expect plenty more Gauss news from Samsung.

// Samsung