Google Photos Update Adds New Memories Tab and a Bunch of Features

Google PhotosGoogle Photos

Google knows how much we all appreciate the Memories they send us on a daily basis about past trips or life events. In fact, their numbers show that 500 million people use the Memories feature in Google Photos each month – we all clearly love the Memories they keep creating and pinging us with.

Because Memories has become such a key feature in Google Photos, an update is rolling out today to make it even more prominent and with new features.

The first change is to the navigation menu at the bottom of Google Photos. The “Sharing” tab is going away in favor of a new “Memories” tab where you’ll be able to find your favorite memories or create new ones from scratch.

When viewing memories, Google says you can easily remove specific photos and videos from them, plus you can hide an entire memory if it’s not to your liking. You can rename them or ask for help with names through what appears to be a Bard AI generator tool. You’ll find this as a “Help me title” button when making a memory. Only select accounts will get this at first.

If you decide to share a memory, you can co-author them with other people, just like your current Photos albums. Your friends and family can now add photos or videos to memories, to really complete the experience or…memory.

And finally, Google is going to let you save memories as videos in a coming update. By doing so, you’ll be able to share Photos Memories through messenger apps or on social media.

The update with everything except the video creation feature is rolling out as early as today in the US. The rest of the globe will see the update in the “coming months.”

// Google

This post was last modified on August 15, 2023 7:21 am