Google News is Getting a Fancy New Following Page

Google News

In a continued push to support local news publications, Google announced today that it is updating the Following tab within Google News.

This refreshed tab features a more compact horizontal sources / interests / locations section, along with a list of articles from local news outlets or those that you follow. As you can see from the image below, this is a pretty dramatic change to this page and might entice me to visit it more often.

The old page (below-right) used to be separated into sections of topics, sources, local, magazines, and saved stories. Almost all of it was presented in a way that you’d have to tap on a subject or publication in order to see articles from them. I really only ever used it to quickly jump to a publication I followed, but now it’s another spot to find targeted content.

With the new page, Google has combined all of those sections into the top of a new Follow area, with articles below that. I’ll have to play with it some before finding an opinion on it, but out of the gate I can say that I like the idea of being able to find more local news in a dedicated space.

Google says this new Following tab will rollout globally on Android “soon,” with iOS expansion later this year.

Google Play Link: Google News

// Google

This post was last modified on June 8, 2023 11:15 am