Verizon Pixel 6 Phones Still Waiting on That April Update

Google Pixel 6 UpdateGoogle Pixel 6 Update

The timing of release for Google Pixel updates is anyone’s guess at this point. It’s starting to look like the first-Monday schedule that Google has used for so many years is on the way out and has been replaced by a multi-Monday cadence depending on carrier, phone, that sort of thing.

I say that because for the 2nd month in a row, we have seen Google Pixel updates spread throughout several Mondays, with Verizon Pixel 6 devices at the end of the line. And that’s the case again for April, where the Verizon Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, and Pixel 6a have all not yet seen this month’s update. They were the final devices to receive the March update as well.

When Google pushed out the April Pixel update on April 10 to most phones, including the Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro on Verizon, the three Pixel 6 devices were left out. Verizon’s own software support pages were updated for all the remaining still-supported Pixel phones at the time (or the week prior for the Pixel 4a through the Pixel 5).

So what’s the deal, why are the Verizon Pixel 6 phones not receiving updates at the same time as the other Pixel phones? Hey, your guess is as good as ours. What we have seen over the life of the Pixel 6 phones, all with the same original Google Tensor chip, is that Google has struggled at times to update them. There could be modem issues at play there too, thus the reason a specific carrier’s update be slower.

Here’s a bit of good news – if Google is doing any sort of scheduled Monday release, then today marks the 4th Monday of the month, which is exactly when they released the March update for these same phones. Before the day ends, don’t be shocked if we see an update to this post stating that the update is now rolling out.

To recap, the Verizon Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro, and Pixel 6a do not have the April update yet and are last in line just like they were in March. Google isn’t often open to sharing details about delays or their own release schedules, so we’re left in the dark about reasons why. If anything, look for today as a potential landing spot for the update to finally arrive.