Google Fi Becomes Google Fi Wireless, Adjusts Plans

Google Fi WirelessGoogle Fi Wireless

Surprising Google Fi news is always welcome around here and we’ve got just that today. Google announced that Google Fi now has a new name, there are slightly tweaked plans for you to choose from, you can try it risk-free for 7 days, and a new app experience is one the way. Woohoo!

The new name of Google Fi is Google Fi Wireless. Simple enough. To be honest, it makes a lot more sense than just Google Fi, which always reminded me of broadband or a fiber service or something like that. Adding the word “Wireless” to the situation certainly clarifies what Google is offering here.

New name out of the way, more importantly, we have a slightly changed Simply Unlimited plan. Google has been offering this plan at $50 for single lines, $80 for 2 lines, $75 for 3 lines, or $80 for 4 lines. Now, from 2-4 lines, everyone pays $80. I guess that’s technically a price increase for those with 3 lines?

That said, Google is now tossing in free connectivity to smartwatches “at no extra cost.” Google says that you can add a Pixel Watch or compatible Samsung watches to help you stay connected if you leave your phone behind. This used to only be included in the Plus plan, as far as I can tell.

As for that free trial, Google Fi Wireless is offering up a 7-day free trial for you to test out the network (which is T-Mobile’s network). All you need is an eSIM compatible phone. By activating eSIM, you’ll simply test Fi Wireless alongside your other network. Again, Google says this is “risk free.” This sounds a lot like all of the free trials we recently highlighted for you from Verizon, T-Mobile, and Cricket.

To get started with the free trial, follow the instructions at the Fi Wireless site.

And finally, Google will begin rolling out a “refreshed family-centric” app redesign that’ll “make it easier to manage your family’s digital safety settings” and give you the ability to easily add new family members. Below is a peak at what it’ll look like.

Who loves Google Fi Wireless?

// Google


This post was last modified on April 19, 2023 11:21 am