Verizon Opens 30-Day 5G Free Trial to All Unlocked Phones


Last November, Verizon introduced Test Drive in beta, a 30-day trial of its 5G network for compatible smartphones harnessing the ultra convenience that is eSIM. This week, Verizon is now opening up the now called Free Trial to all unlocked (and with eSIM) smartphones, not just the latest Galaxy, Pixel, and iPhone devices.

Getting started is the same process. You download the My Verizon app, sign up (no credit check or card required), then Verizon assigns you a random phone number with data, text, and talk service for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, the service ends, unless you want to make the full-time switch.

For Free Trial, Verizon offers 100GB of 5G Ultra Wideband data, as well as unlimited talk and text. That should be enough data to really let you stretch your legs out on its network.

I attempted to try this when it first launched and it was incredibly janky. I got an error message during the onboard, then when I refreshed the app to try again, it told me that my 30 day trial was already over. And of course, Verizon’s support was zero help and had no idea what I was talking about. Hopefully the kinks have been worked out by now.

My Verizon App

// Verizon