Telegram Update Adds Spoiler Alerts, Profile Pic Controls, and Lots More


Telegram pushed out a big update today to celebrate the end of 2022, filled with new features, including a way to add spoiler covers, control even more storage settings, new drawing and text tools, customizable profile pics for contacts, and more.

The big update is already live as v9.3.0, which is one of the things we love about Telegram. When they announce an update with new features, they give it to everyone right away, unlike the creator of this Android platform, who slow rolls out features for months and expects the world to discover them by digging into an APK file. We love you, Telegram.

Alright, so new Telegram features – there are some good ones here.

Hidden media is a new setting that lets you choose a “hide with spoiler” option when sending a video or photo to a chat. This will add a shimmering layer that blurs the content underneath to hopefully not spoil the content.

For storage controls, Telegram has added separate auto-remove settings for cached media from Private Chats, Groups, and Channels, with special exceptions for specific chats. There’s also a new pie chart to help visualize the storage it takes up, with dedicated tabs for Media, Files, and Music. And for those who didn’t realize this, Telegram has long-had auto-remove settings and other storage controls.

You can find storage controls in Settings>Data and Storage>Storage Usage.

In the drawing department, Telegram has added automatic smoothing of your lines, a new blur tool, an eyedropper for color picking, and “5 high-precision ways to choose colors.” For text on images, you can now change size, font, and background, plus everyone (not just Premium users) can added custom animated emoji.

Don’t like a friend’s profile pic? You can choose whatever you want for profile pics of contacts in this new update. Only you’ll see it, so have fun with it. Weirdly, you can suggest to that user the picture you’ve chosen and they can then set it.

Public profile pics can now be customized as well, so if you’d like no one to see your picture, you can set that to be the case. You can also customize a picture for your contacts to see and another photo for the public to see.

Other Telegram 9.3 features:

  • Run large Telegram groups and want to hide members? You can do that now. If your group is 100+ people, the admin can hide the member list.
  • Android users get new progress animations when jumping around in conversations.
  • There are 10 new animated emoji packs to play with.
  • Topics now available to all group sizes.

Google Play Link: Telegram

// Telegram

This post was last modified on December 30, 2022 11:09 am