Google Hangouts Breathes Last Workspace Breath on November 1

Hangouts, Google ChatHangouts, Google Chat

Google announced this week that for Workspace users, Google Hangouts will be fully upgraded to Google Chat starting November 1, 2022. The last piece of the puzzle is Hangouts on web, which will redirect to Google Chat on web at the start of next month. At that point, Hangouts should officially be a thing of the past for virtually all users.

The death of Hangouts has been really drawn out, with features getting taken away back in 2017. In 2018, that’s when we first got real word that Hangouts was set for its end in 2020. Then COVID happened. Now it’s nearly 2023 and here we are, still talking about it. What a trip, man.

Godspeed, Hangouts.

// Google