T-Mobile Now Lets You Test Drive Its Network for 3 Months Directly From App

T-Mobile 5GT-Mobile 5G

T-Mobile is building in powerful features to its flagship Android application this week, with two of the highlights being a new Network Pass and Easy Switch.

With Network Pass, so long as you have a compatible smartphone, T-Mobile is letting you test drive its network for three month before you make the switch from your current carrier. This is available to business customers, too. Should all go well in your testing and should it make sense financially, you can then use the same T-Mobile app to use Easy Switch, which can have your account ported over and fired up in just minutes.

As for phone requirements to use Network Pass, it’ll need to be an unlocked device that is eSIM compatible. If you have that, you can take advantage.

This seems like the perfect thing for people who are always on the fence about their carrier, usually because they aren’t exactly sure about coverage area between carriers. With this, you can test all of your spots for up to 3 months. T-Mobile seems quite confident in itself these days, which is nice.

Give it a go.

Google Play Link

// T-Mobile