Ditching MyFitnessPal? Here’s a Few Alternatives With Free Barcode Scanners

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MyFitnessPal’s news of placing its barcode scanner feature behind a paywall has users looking for alternative apps today. Honestly, that’s good. If anything, maybe MFP will notice the issue and reverse its course. Ultimately, that would be ideal, but just in case, I needed to go hunting for another app to use purely out of principle, even if none of them are as good or as useful as MyFitnessPal has been for me.

In the comments section for our previous article, we had a few people recommend different apps, so I headed on over to Google Play to do my research. Here are a few alternatives that we’re comfortable sharing. And please, if you know of one that’s not listed below, drop it into the comments section below.

Calorie Counter by Lose It!

This app appears to be very close to MyFitnessPal in terms of features. It allows you to tracks macros, calories, and other information based on what you eat. With a library of foods and beverages already in the database, you simply type in (or scan) what you’re consuming and your dashboard will update with your necessary figures. And yes, there’s a barcode scanning feature and it’s completely free to use.

There is a premium service available that includes designed meal plans, additional meal planning tools, water tracking, and unlimited access to recipes. Pricing for this is $7.49/month or $45/year.

Google Play Link

Calorie Counter – MyNetDiary

Here’s another option that features a barcode scanner, as well as macronutrient target tracking. Users can tweak these values however they’d like (carbs, protein, and fat) at no cost, and then get their recommended daily calories based on those targets. This is great if you’re working with a nutritionist who is simply giving you goals to hit each week/month.

This app also offers premium features that start at $9/month or $60/year. Those features are based heavily towards personalization, such as daily feedback and advice, AutoPilot and macro tracking, as well as premium recipes and diet plans. But again, the barcode scanning and macro manipulation is free to use.

Google Play Link

Lifesum: Healthy Eating & Diet

Out of the apps I’ve looked at so far, I will say that Lifesum has the best UI. It’s very refined and easy to use. With this app, you can track those macros, keep your calories in check, and yes, scan whatever food you are eating all free of charge. Lifesum’s dashboard is extremely helpful, too. You can quickly see your macros, calories, water intake, exercise, as well as look over your entire day’s worth of eating and drinking. It’s all right there on one page, super easy to use.

Like most others, there are premium features, too. Barcode scanning isn’t one of them. Lifesum offers a Life Score and progress stats, gives daily feedback, and offers meal plans via premium. One note, you will need a premium subscription in order to adjust your macro levels, which is slightly annoying. Lifesum costs $5/month or $25/year.

Google Play Link

Know of another great food tracking app? Let us know below!



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