Google TV App Arrives on iOS

Google TV iOSGoogle TV iOS

Google began replacing the Google Play Movies & TV app with Google TV a couple of years ago on Android and TV platforms. The Google TV app was to act less as a store and more of a content curator that tied into your other streaming services to help you find something to watch. It even had a remote baked in, which was cool. For whatever reason, they never did get around to making the change on iOS and all of the iPhones of the world. Well, until now.

Starting today, Google TV is replacing Google Play Movies & TV on iOS. If you are currently still running the Movies & TV app, you should get an update to the Google TV experience.

Why would want this? The Play Movies & TV app currently has a 2.7-star rating on the App Store and is clearly dated and bad. If Google wants people on iOS using their movie and TV recommendation service going forward, an update is probably a good idea.

With the update, users will get recommendations from the streaming apps they subscribe to, a watchlist of discoveries, watchlists from their “favorite” stars, the ability to rate movies and shows (and flag them as “watched”), a personalized daily feed of news/reviews/etc., and that remote I mentioned above. The remote will let you control a Google TV or Android TV device in your house.

On a related note – is that a double notched iPhone? Is that a Pixel 3 XL and iPhone mash-up? I hope so.

// Google