Readers React: Surprisingly, Most Love Their Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro

Pixel 6 ProPixel 6 Pro

Earlier this week, we revisited the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro now that both are approaching their 6-month anniversary. We talked about our positive reviews, the early negative reactions from vocal early adopters, Google’s struggles with software updates, and how things seem to have quieted in recent weeks, possibly signaling some stability and happiness in the Pixel 6 world. I also mentioned that after reviewing all sorts of phones recently, like the Galaxy S22 Ultra and OnePlus 10 Pro, that I’m happily back on the Pixel 6 Pro and would still recommend it.

After sharing those thoughts, I’ve got to admit that I was nervous about the incoming reaction from folks around here. Once I asked how everyone’s experience with a Pixel 6 or Pixel 6 Pro has been, I was expecting a majority opinion that focused on how bad Google’s newest phones are. I thought as much because of the loud crowd that hovers around reddit and on Twitter that will never hesitate in telling you that Google’s phones are dumpster fires. But that didn’t happen at all.

Reading through the 100+ comments in response to that article, it’s easy to see that most people who own the Pixel 6 or Pixel 6 Pro are actually pretty satisfied. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that most people are pretty damn happy with their phone.

I could go on and on with those positive reactions, but you should get the point from these few. There really are a lot of people suggesting that they haven’t experienced the flaws and bugs that so many on internet spaces claim are affecting a majority of Pixel 6 phones.

Whether that’s because of the different ways we all use our phones, locations and network connections varying, good luck vs. bad luck, or the eliteness that is the group of users who hang out at DL (😎), I was honestly pretty shocked at how positive most people are on these phones.

That said, a number of folks have also acknowledged that the phones aren’t perfect and have had issues, but have certainly improved a lot with recent updates. By my estimation, noting improvements is probably the 2nd most common response from our readers.

Of course, these phones are not loved by everyone. Some have indeed experienced enough issues that they couldn’t wait to switch to a different phone, like those from Samsung. From network and Bluetooth bugs to calling the Pixel 6 line “1st Generation Tech” and a “beta” product, it has not been smooth sailing as so many above suggested.

This story presented an interesting reaction, to say the least. If you hang around Android blogs, reddit, and Twitter, you would think that Google had really whiffed on the Pixel 6 line. That doesn’t appear to really be the case, though, at least around these parts. That darn vocal minority.

This post was last modified on April 8, 2022 9:34 pm