Twitter Yeets Fleets


Fleets are no more. The disappearing Tweets that Twitter first launched a little over a year ago never caught on and the company is ending their run.

In a blog post announcing the news, Twitter said that they “haven’t seen an increase in the number of new people joining the conversation with Fleets like we hoped.” When August 3 rolls around, you will no longer be able to Fleet.

If you were hoping this meant you’d re-gain that empty space at the top of your Twitter feed that was reserved for Fleets, don’t get excited. Twitter also uses that space for its Spaces feature, which I’m not sure anyone uses. That may not be true, but none of the people I follow ever host those, so I have yet to see a Space available to join. That top portion of Twitter for me forever remains empty and a waste.

Twitter did say that they’d take some of the media features from Fleets that people used and try to incorporate them into the regular media tool and composer, so Fleets weren’t a complete bust.

Anyone Fleet?