Twitter Brings in the Big Tips

Twitter TipsTwitter Tips

Twitter really is going to let you pay people for their sweet, sweet Tweets. Today, the social network announced the Tip Jar as a way to both send and receive tips.

The Tip Jar on Twitter will live in profiles in a shortcut that could give people multiple ways to pay you. Twitter is already supporting Cash App, Patreon, PayPal, Venmo, and Bandcamp to start. They say they are taking no cut and that Android users can even send tips within Spaces. Well, damn!

Alright, so you are ready to become a Reply Guy, go viral, and make serious bank, how do you get started? You might not be able to just yet. Twitter says that “For now, a limited group of people around the world who use Twitter in English can add Tip Jar to their profile and accept tips,” and that “this group includes creators, journalists, experts, and nonprofits.” At some point “soon,” they’ll give more people access, we just don’t know who or exactly when.

If you are in the elite group who has access, head into “Edit Profile” in your Twitter app and look for the “Tip Jar” section to add payment methods.

// Twitter

This post was last modified on May 6, 2021 4:22 pm