Verizon’s New Prepaid Option Adds 5G Ultra Wideband and Costs More


Verizon added a fourth option to its prepaid line-up this morning that gives prepaid customers access to its fastest 5G network. The new unlimited choice is the first to be able to connect to Verizon’s limited yet super fast 5G Ultra Wideband (mmW) network.

The new plan is the most expensive of the bunch at $75/mo. However, like their other plans, that’s simply a starting point. You can immediately shave off $5/mo by confirming that you’ll pay with autopay every month. Like the others, this plan will reward you for loyalty too, so if you stick with it for 4-9 months, another $5/mo will come off. Hang around for 10+ months and $5/mo more will come off, giving you a total discount of $15/mo with loyalty and autopay discounts.

Since there is a bit of simple math there that none of us should be required to do on a Monday morning, the discounts could bring the monthly cost down to $60/mo on this new plan. The other prepaid choices haven’t changed and can drop to as low as $25/mo, $35/mo, and $50/mo.

Verizon 5G Prepaid Plans

The chart above lays out the features for each plan, amounts of data, perks like hotspot, etc. Again, the three cheaper plans have been around for some time, though I’m not sure we told you that each now has access to Verizon’s nationwide 5G. If we haven’t, well, now you know.

As you are likely well aware, Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband is capable of delivering you Gbps speeds, it’s just not that easy to find. Major cities have it on select blocks, but the speeds you see from it tend to quickly diminish if you aren’t standing outside next to a tower with direct line of sight. It’s fun technology with potential, it’s just probably not a network technology you should expect to be able to rely on unless the window of your office or condo can see a 5G mmW tower.

Is this new prepaid option with 5G Ultra Wideband worth choosing? Unless your life matches up to the scenario I just described, probably not.

To sign-up for Verizon prepaid, hit this link.

// Verizon

This post was last modified on January 25, 2021 8:03 am