Here are Google Play’s Best Apps, Games, Movies, and Books of 2020

Best of Google Play AwardsBest of Google Play Awards

A few weeks back, Google asked the US to vote on what the best of Google Play was for 2020 in a Users’ Choice category for an upcoming awards showcase. They wanted to know which apps you loved, the games you were playing the most, and the books and movies you turned to to pass the time during a global crisis. After several weeks of voting, the results are in for not only that Users’ Choice group, but Google also revealed their own list of the best of Google Play for this year.

Google broke everything out by categories, but the big ones to know are “Best App of 2020” and “Best Game of 2020.” The winners there, according to Google, are Loóna: Bedtime Calm & Relax for best app, and Genshin Impact for best game. I’m not familiar with either! For Users’ Choice in those same categories, you all voted for Disney+ (best app) and SpongeBob: Krusty Cook-Off (best game).

There are a lot of other apps, games, movies, and books to look through from Google Play that were acknowledged. Google has categories for “Best Personal Growth Apps,” “Best Hidden Gem Apps,” and “Best Everyday Essential Apps,” that you should most definitely give some time to. There are tons of games too, as well as lists of the best movies and books you should clear space for before 2020 ends.

Users’ Choice 2020 (US)

Best App of 2020 (US)

Best Personal Growth Apps

Best Hidden Gem Apps 

Best Everyday Essential Apps

Best Apps for Good

Best Apps for Fun

Best Game of 2020 

Best Indie Games

Best Casual Games

Best Innovative Games

Best Competitive Games 

Best Movies of 2020- Top 5 (US)

Best Books of 2020- Top 5 (US)

// Google | Android Developers Blog

This post was last modified on December 1, 2020 12:05 am