Video: OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11 First Look! Always-On Display is Here.

OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11

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Once OnePlus dropped the Android 11 Developer Preview 3 files for the OnePlus 8 Pro and OnePlus 8 this morning, we didn’t hesitate to flash them. Seeing OnePlus’ implementation of an always-on display is something we’ve waited years for and will take the risk of running potentially unstable software to not miss it.

In the video below, we dive into the update, which you still probably shouldn’t flash on your phone unless you want to risk using software that might have issues. OnePlus isn’t quite ready to label this as a “beta,” so we’re assuming there may be things you’ll have to deal with that you might not like.

This is a big update to OxygenOS 11. Not only did OnePlus give us an always-on display with numerous clock options, they gave us a dark theme toggle, added a new OnePlus Sans font, and visually tweaked a ton of areas of the phone to provide better one-handed usage. Just being honest here, but the entire new UI looks very much like Samsung’s One UI. Gone are the days of OnePlus following Google’s Android skin closely, in is Samsung’s design.

Since this is Android 11, you have the new notification setting with an area for conversations, there is Bubbles support, and the new power menu with smart home controls is here. It’s all looking very nice, assuming you can handle the SamsungygenOS.

Ready to see it in action? Here you go.

OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11 Tour

OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11 Tour

OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11 Tour

OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11 Tour

OnePlus 8 Pro Android 11 Tour



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