Dark Sky for Android is Officially Dead (Updated: August 1!)

Dark Sky AndroidDark Sky Android
  • UPDATE: Dark Sky weighed in today and said that existing users and subscribers will actually get to keep using the app until August 1, 2020. At that point, they plan to shut it all down and give customers refunds.

It was only on March 31 that we learned Apple was acquiring the Dark Sky weather app, soon to take it away from us and make it exclusive to iOS owners. It was sad, depressing news for those of us who have been using it since its launch onto Android back in 2016.

Dark Sky stated that anyone who was already using Dark Sky could use it until July 1, which is today. We assume that at some point today, our access to Dark Sky will be taken away and we’ll all be in search of a new home for our weather forecasting needs.

Let’s all just take a moment to remember and reflect on the good times we had. I can recall many times where I’d be outside walking my dogs, only to receive a notification that rain would soon begin in my area. Dark Sky saved me quite a few times from getting rained on. Thank you, Dark Sky. You’ll be missed.

If you need a Dark Sky replacement, we have some options for you here. Apps using Dark Sky’s API continue to work, so you can find a very similar experience to Dark Sky. I don’t know if anything will ever be quite the same, though.

RIP, Dark Sky for Android.

This post was last modified on July 1, 2020 4:06 pm