Gmail Gets a Sweet New Compose Button

New Gmail ComposeNew Gmail Compose

Google doesn’t update Gmail very often with UI changes, but we got one tonight. It’s not huge, unless you care about buttons, where if you do, get excited for a brand new compose button.

Look at that thing!

The ridiculous multi-colored plus button is gone and in is a big ol’ button that says “Compose” on it. If you are worried that it’s too huge and will block emails, don’t worry, as it shrinks down to a button with pencil logo the minute you scroll. The animation you get as you scroll is pretty slick too.

The new Gmail version with this compose button is rolling out to all at the moment it seems. Look for an update that brings you to version 2020.05.17.313130477.

Google Play Link: Gmail

This post was last modified on June 4, 2020 7:50 pm