Samsung Pulls Plug on Galaxy S7 Updates Four Years Later

Galaxy S7Galaxy S7

Right around the time that Samsung released the Galaxy S20 and the price tag of it forced many to get really, super duper sad about the two years of Android version updates the company was delivering, we told you about the other side of Samsung updates. We told you that they were actually supporting their phones and providing updates longer than Google was in one area.

Shocker, I know, but it’s true. Samsung provides four years of security updates to their high-end phones, while Google provides three. Sure, they need another year of version updates to fully best Google, but let’s not dance around in our upset pants as if Samsung is failing your every wish or still a dumpster fire when it comes to providing fresh software to their phones.

As an example, the Verizon Galaxy S7, which was released in March of 2016, received an update over the weekend. Yes, just a few days ago, a phone from Samsung that is four years old, picked up another update. While the update was only a security patch (and December’s at that), that’s still four years of support.

Unfortunately, that appears to be the last update for the Galaxy S7 line. Tonight, Samsung pulled the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge from its list of devices receiving security updates. We predicted this would happen on or around the phone’s 4th birthday and here we are.

If you own a Galaxy S7, well, this was a solid run of updates. If you are wondering now if you should stick with Samsung phones and upgrade to something still receiving support, I think you already know if Samsung will be there to deliver, at least on a security front.

// Samsung