Thanks to Ads, Google May Soon Make Hundreds of Movies Free to Watch

google play movies & tvgoogle play movies & tv

Ads can suck. On the other hand, in some cases, they can be cool. Take for example the latest development inside of the Play Movies app, and by inside, I mean hidden within APK code that was sniffed out by the good people over at XDA. According to a recent teardown, Google is readying what appears to be hundreds of movies for free consumption. The only downside to this great news is, it will be ad-supported.

As detailed, in version v4.18.37 of the Play Movies application, XDA spotted a few strings hinting that Google could introduce a free-with-ads selection of movies. The string of code that’s truly noteworthy states, “hundreds of movies, just a few ads.”

This is awesome.

If I have to explain why this is awesome, well, let’s get started. If you’re one of millions of people currently on lockdown in the US due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this change from Google could open up a ton of entertainment to help pass these super boring days stuck inside. And even if this change comes after the shelter-in-place orders are lifted, it’s still cool to know that there would be yet another service to turn to for entertainment.

Now, we have no idea which movies will be made available with ads, but fingers crossed it’s not a bunch of crap. Come on, Google, give us the good stuff.

// XDA