Twitter Testing Fleets, Tweets That Vanish After 24 Hours and Can’t Get Likes


Sometimes you just wanna throw a thought out there that you may not want associated with your everlasting social media accounts until the end of time. You know, like a fleeting thought that you want to quickly share, but don’t care if gets liked and retweeted. This is exactly what Twitter is now testing in South America, a new feature called Fleets.

Likely an answer to whatever Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook are doing right now, Fleets disappear after 24 hours and don’t get retweets, likes, or public replies. Users can only react to Fleets via DMs, and instead of showing up in user’s timelines, Fleets are viewed by tapping on profile avatars.

Fleets are currently in testing in Brazil, but I kinda hope these come to the US. It’s a great idea, especially during this election season.