Android 11 Developer Preview Gets an Update, Just a Bug Fix

Android 11Android 11

A new Android 11 Developer Preview build just popped up, but before you go wondering about what’s new and if this is the Developer Preview 2, I’m here to calm the situation. This is simply a bug fix for Preview 1. That’s it.

The new build is available as as Android 11 Developer Preview 1.1 and build RPP1.200123.020. It’s available right now to the Pixel 2, Pixel 3, Pixel 3a, and Pixel 4.

Google says that it includes the following “critical fixes and changes”:

  • Privacy
    • Apps targeting Android 11 no longer receive an erroneous security exception if they try to request a foreground location permission, such as ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION, and any other permission at the same time.
  • Android Studio and tools
    • armeabi-v7a apps no longer cause x86 Emulator images to crash.
    • NDK apps targeting Android 11 are no longer blocked from building because of an issue with the Android Gradle Plugin. This fix is included in both Android Studio 4.0 Beta 2 (or higher) and Android Studio 4.1 Canary 1 (or higher).
  • Non-SDK interface restrictions
    • Greylist restrictions have been temporarily relaxed on a small number of methods used by OkHTTP and related SDKs that are in widespread use. This should provide app developers with more time to test and update their libraries before these restrictions are reinstated later in the Developer Preview.
  • Apps
    • Fixed an issue where a fatal exception was being thrown by
  • GSI
    • Fixed an issue where using the gsi_gms_arm64-userdebug build failed to boot on Pixel 3 devices.
    • Fixed an issue where the Setup Wizard would crash when running on Pixel 4 XL devices.

If you’ve been running the first preview, you should probably update to this.

Downloads: Factory Images | OTA Files

This post was last modified on April 8, 2020 9:32 am