YouTube TV Subscribers Getting 3-Month Free YouTube Premium Bonus

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Should you pay Google the $49.99 per month it costs to access YouTube TV, a bonus to get free YouTube Premium may be in your near future. That’s according to a Tweet sent by the YouTube TV account today that said a 3-month trial offer is incoming.

The Tweet does suggest that the deal is only for those who have “never tried” YouTube Premium, so unfortunately, this won’t cover everyone. That’s a bit, well, cheap of Google. I can’t imagine it’s that hard to give Premium users a 3-month credit as a “Thanks” for being a part of their TV experience that continues to see price increases on the consumer end.

If you have yet to try YouTube Premium, an email is supposedly coming your way with details on how to sign-up. If I was you, I’d take that offer and get the full 3 months out of it. YouTube Premium frees you from ads and it is glorious. It also provides background playback, lets you download videos for offline viewing, and gets you YouTube Music Premium.

Again, be on the lookout for an email from YouTube TV.

This post was last modified on November 26, 2019 3:05 pm