Amazon Appears to be Screwing Up Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL Orders Badly

Pixel 4 Oh So OrangePixel 4 Oh So Orange

Here at DL, we ordered ourselves two Pixel 4 devices from Amazon last week — one regular Pixel 4 and one Pixel 4 XL. We received our Pixel 4 XL yesterday afternoon, but this morning, received a shipping delay notification from Amazon, claiming our Pixel 4 in Oh So Orange was delayed until November 30 – January 2. If that seems like a really long time from now, that’s because you’re absolutely correct.

Given such a large window, we reached out to Amazon who simply confirmed that there is a delay, but didn’t offer any details as to why.

We, of course, are not the only ones on the internet to have this issue. If you look on reddit and Twitter, there appears to be a large group of Pixel 4 buyers who are being met with the same issue.

User “beaushaw” on reddit

So I ordered an Oh So Orange 4XL from Amazon on day one. Supposed to be delivered today. Now they are saying they don’t have any, it will be the 18th before I can get one. I had one ordered through Fi and I canceled it because Amazon could get it a day earlier. So pissed.

User “xblindguardianx” on reddit

Amazon said it would deliver today since I pre-ordered it the day of the announcement. Now it says the end of November. Cancelled it. Never pre-order from Amazon apparently. Anyone else deal with this? Just getting it from the Verizon store later.

Here’s one user on Twitter notifying us of their issue.

According to another user on Twitter who claims to have spoken with Amazon customer support, and got a usable answer, “the reason for the delays is Google hasn’t sent Amazon any devices. My pre-order was also delayed.”

Now, we know for a fact that Amazon did indeed have units to sell, since one of our orders did arrive on time. It just appears something got scrambled and some buyers are getting screwed. It happens, but when you’re talking about a smartphone pre-order that costs hundreds of dollars, you really hate to see it.

Anyone else having this issue with Amazon?