What Phone Case are You Using Right Now?

Favorite Android CasesFavorite Android Cases

Cases, man, I can’t do ’em. I’m a fool, I know, since I went through a phase there where I broke every phone I touched. It’s the bulk, or something, though, that I can’t ever warm up to. I’m dumb!

These are no longer $500 devices made of glass and plastic that we use everyday, they are $1,000+ devices made of all glass. Smartly, the majority of you toss on cases. Like, 80% of you in the last poll we ran, say that you use a case at all times. That’s up from 75% in the previous year’s poll. You’re not dumb!

So let’s get some recommendations going down there in the comments. I want to know which cases you turn to whenever you buy a new phone. We asked this back in 2018, but things could have changed within the past year and a half.

Do you stick with OEM cases, like the overpriced units from Google or Samsung, or have you gone 3rd party to save loads of cash?